Essay on Road Safety in 100, 150, 200 & 250 Words in English | English Essays

Essay on Road Safety in 100 words in English

Road safety means being careful while using the road. It protects us from accidents. Many accidents happen because people break traffic rules. Overspeeding, not using helmets, and ignoring signals are common mistakes. These mistakes cause injuries and even death. To stay safe, we must follow rules. Drivers should wear seat belts and drive slowly. Pedestrians must use zebra crossings and walk on footpaths. Cyclists need to wear helmets. The government has made traffic rules to protect us. Everyone should respect these rules. Road safety is important for all. By following rules, we can save lives and avoid accidents.


Essay on Road Safety in 150 words


Road safety is about using roads safely and following traffic rules. It helps prevent accidents. It helps avoid accidents and injuries.

Causes of Road Accidents

Road accidents happen due to overspeeding, drunk driving, using phones while driving and ignoring traffic signs. Many people do not follow most of the traffic rules.

Ways to Stay Safe on roads/Road safety tips

1. Wear seat belts and helmets.
2. Do not use phones while driving.
3. Cross the road at zebra crossings.
4. Follow traffic signals.

Other Efforts to improve road safety

The government must set speed limits strictly and fine rule-breakers. Schools can teach students about road safety. TV and newspapers can spread awareness.


Road safety is everyone’s duty. By following rules, we can avoid accidents and save lives.


Essay on Road Safety in 200 words in English


Road safety is about following traffic rules to stay safe on the roads. It helps in reducing accidents.

Reasons for Accidents

Accidents happen because people ignore traffic rules. Drivers overspeed, use mobile phones, or jump red lights. Pedestrians also cross roads carelessly. These actions lead to injuries and even death.

Simple Road Safety Tips

Drivers must wear seat belts, helmets and drive within speed limits.
Pedestrians should cross roads at zebra crossings.
Avoid using phones while driving or walking.
It is important to say no to drunk driving
Always obey traffic signals to ensure safety

Other Steps to maintain Road Safety

Parents should teach their children basic traffic rules. Schools can organize road safety events to educate students. The government must builds proper roads and sets speed limits. Strict fines must be imposed on those who violate road safety rules. Traffic signs and signals should be made easy to understand. Awareness campaigns must be organized to remind people to follow safety measures.

Road safety is for everyone. By following simple rules, we can make roads safe and save lives. Let us all take road safety seriously.


Essay on Road Safety in 250 words in English 


Road safety means using roads carefully. It is is about being responsible while using the road. It important for all road users, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. It helps protect everyone from accidents.

Why Accidents Happen

Accidents occur when people break traffic rules. Road accidents commonly occur due to rash driving, overspeeding, drunk driving, using mobile phones while driving, and ignoring traffic signs. Pedestrians sometimes become careless while crossing roads. Drivers often forget to wear helmets. These mistakes cause accidents.

Safety tips For Road Users

1.Drivers must drive at a safe speed. Always wear seat belts.
2. For Pedestrians: Use footpaths and zebra crossings. Look both ways before crossing roads.
3. Avoid Distractions. Do not use mobile phones while driving or walking on roads.
4.Wearing helmets is essential for two-wheeler riders.
5. Drinking alcohol before driving is dangerous and must be avoided.
6. Traffic signals must be obeyed property to ensure everyone's safety.

Additional measures to improve road safety

The government builds safe roads and installs traffic signals. Policemen ensure that everyone follows the rules. Awareness campaigns on TV , radio, newspaper and social media can encourage people to be careful on roads. Steps like impose fines, educate road violators, and enforce strict penalties for road law violations are necessary to ensure road safety. Schools should teach students about road safety. They can hold workshops and explain traffic signs. Parents should guide children and set an example by following rules.


Road safety is very important. It saves lives and prevents accidents. It is everyone’s responsibility to follow traffic rules and be careful on roads. By working together, we can reduce accidents and make roads safer for everyone. Let us follow road safety rules and protect lives.

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