Long Essays

Corruption in Public Life
Corruption, a well-known term, occurs in all civilizations. Corruption is widespread in our country and has caused maximum suffering toto the common man.......
Problem of Unemployment in India
India as a developing country is confronting many problems and unemployment is the most pressing problem. Unemployment directly affects the political, economic.......
Women Empowerment
Empowerment is a fundamental human right. Women empowerment can be defined as promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their decision making power, equal.....
Air Pollution in cities
Nothing is more important to life than breathing in a clean air. But now days, toxic air is the biggest environmental risk. Air pollution is the mix particles and gases that......
Fake News
‘Fake news’ or fabricated news is a type of yellow journalism that consists of news, stories or hoaxes created deliberately to misinform or deceive readers......
Impact of GST on Indian Economy
India’s biggest tax reform since independence – the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has finally arrived. The milestone GST has been implemented from July 1, 2017. GST is...... 
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Short Essays

My Aim in Life
Everybody should have an aim or ambition in life. Aim gives us a direction....
A Rainy Day
Rain is nature’s beautiful gift. It purifies our atmosphere. A rainy day in summer....
My School Library
Introduction: A library is a storehouse of knowledge. Every good school.....
Visit to a Historical Place
Introduction: There are many beautiful and worth seeing places in India. During...
A visit to a Book Fair
Books play a significant role in our life. A book fair is an event where various....
Child Labour
Introduction: Child labor is a big social problem in most of the under-developed...
My Village
Introduction: I live in village. The name of my village is Rampura. It is a small....
Importance of Trees
Trees are very important, valuable and necessary as they help to sustain....
Importance of Education
Modern age is the age of education. Education is the process of achieving.....
Water Pollution
Introduction: Water is one of the most important natural resource. It is crucial...
A Visit to a Science Fair
Education aims at holistic development of children. Several schools organize....
A Morning Walk
Morning walk means walking in the morning. It is a type of exercise with......
Deforestation, in simpler terms, means the removal of forest cover or tree....
Importance of Yoga
Yoga is one of the most beneficial body practices that originated in ancient...
Climate Change
The word ‘Climate Change’ is used to refer to long term periodic variations....
Introduction: Environmental pollution has become a global issue today......
Corruption in Public Life
Introduction: The term ‘Corruption’ can be defined as the illegal, dishonest...
My Hobby - Book Reading
Introduction: Hobby is any activity that we enjoy doing in our spare time....
My Favourite Leader
Introduction: There have been many great leaders in our country but I like...
My Favourite Book
Introduction: Reading books is my hobby. A book is a great source of knowl.....
Science Blessings or Curse
Introduction: Modern age is the age of Science and Technology.  Scientific d....
Disaster Management
A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a so....
Cybercrime is a criminal activity that involves network and a computer......
Online Education
Online education is a form of education which is delivered and admin......
Value of Time
Time is the greatest gift in one’s life. The value of time is great. It is more.....
Republic Day
Republic day is celebrated on 26th January every year to commemorate t.....
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution has become a major problem all around the world. It can be....
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