Write an Essay on A Visit to a Science Fair in English | Essays for students

Write an Essay on A Visit to a Science Fair in English | Essays for students


Education aims at holistic development of children. Several schools organize science fairs and exhibitions to enhance students’ knowledge, motivate them towards science and to make learning a fun experience. Science fair contributes to their social development and increases the skills of their presentation.

I had an occasion to visit science fair organized by my school on 28th February. All the rooms in which fair was held were decorated with charts and posters. Students had made different kinds of models using electronic gadgets, papers, cardboard and metal too. They showcased static and working models which looked extremely useful for learning and understanding various scientific concepts. I was simply astonished to see the inventive brains of the students. Models displaying the working of heart, digestive system and other organs of the body fascinated the visitors. Charts based on evolution of human beings and biodiversity were presented well. Other eye catching projects were models of solar system, volcanoes and means of transport and communication.

There were 40 exhibits with nearly 90 students involved in the event. The organizers of the fair did proper arrangements with good facilities. The whole compound was beautifully decorated. The judges appreciated the students. The principal and visitors were quite impressed with the dedication of students. Students were encouraged to develop a scientific temper. The whole event was a great success.

Overall the exhibition was informative and enlightening experience. Students learnt various scientific principles. Such science fairs help students to apply their ideas, creative thinking and learn in a unique way. I returned home quite enriched in knowledge.




Deforestation, in simpler terms, means the removal of forest cover or tree plantations to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. It has caused a decrease in the forest cover across the world. The world is losing most of its natural resources through the process of deforestation.

Multiple factors, either of human or natural origin, cause deforestation. Natural factors include forest fires, floods and earthquakes. Human activities are mostly responsible for this process. Agriculture is the number one cause of deforestation. Increasing population demands more food to survive. Farmers are bounded to cut down trees to cultivate land. Other activities such as cattle breeding, timber extraction, mining, dam construction and infrastructure development are among the direct causes of deforestation. Trees are cut to build roads and to expand our cities to accommodate growing population.

There are many harmful effects of deforestation. Trees take carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is responsible for living. Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and is the major contributor to global warming due to greenhouse effect. Deforestation is a series environmental concern since it can cause  loss of biodiversity,  damage to natural habitat of wildlife, disturbances in the water cycle, reduction in rainfall, soil erosion and desertification. It may lead to food insecurity in the world.

Forests are the lungs of our planet. It is responsibility of government, civil society and each and every individual to control deforestation. The government must put a ban on deforestation. And we all should do the needful to protect our trees.


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