Essay Writing in English| On Water Pollution | Cybercrime


Introduction: Water is one of the most important natural resource. It is crucial for life. Water pollution can be defined as the contamination of water bodies like oceans, lakes, rivers and groundwater mainly caused by human activities. Water pollution degrades the quality of water making it unfit for use.

Reasons of water pollution: The most important causes of water pollution are industrial effluents, domestic wastes, use of detergents and fertilizers, deforestation, mining, plastic waste and agricultural run-off carrying insecticides, pesticides and other pollutants into water bodies. More than 80% sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated, polluting water bodies.

Effects of water pollution: Water pollution has a great impact on human health and environment. Water pollution contains chemicals, toxic substances and germs that can cause diseases such as cholera, hepatitis A, dysentery, tuberculosis, and other abdominal diseases. It can cause disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystem.

Prevention: To stop water pollution, it is important to treat sewage before discharge. Reducing the use of chemical pesticides on crops, conservation of water and usage of environmental friendly products are the other preventive measures to reduce water pollutants.

Conclusion: Water pollution is a serious environmental problem. By controlling the activities that pollute our water bodies, we can curb water pollution.





Cybercrime is a criminal activity that involves network and a computer or a networked device. These crimes are committed by cybercriminals or hackers who use technology to commit malicious activities on digital system or networks with the intention of stealing sensitive company information or personal data and generating profit. These cyber-attacks are harmful not just for the individual or organization, but also for the nation.

There are various forms and types of cybercrimes all over the world. Common forms of cybercrime include hacking, phishing, identity theft, malicious software and cyber bullying. In hacking, computer system of the person is hacked to get personal information. Phishing involves using fake e-mail messages to get personal information from internet users. Identity theft is the crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person like name, identity number and credit card details. Malicious software or malware is term for harmful computer programs such as viruses, worms or Trojans to cause damage to a computer network and gain access to sensitive information.

Cyber bullying is an online harassment of an individual or a group of people. It involves posting hate comments or sharing negative information about a person. Another category of cybercrime includes cyber terrorism which is a terrorism committed through a computer or network.

With ever growing threats to individual privacy and businesses, having a robust security system is essential. It is recommended to purchase and install anti-virus software and keep your online profile private. We must shop only at secure websites. We should never share our login details and credit card information to a website that looks suspicious. Users must develop strong passwords. To protect our sensitive files and information, it is better to use encryption.

Cybercrime is evolving as a serious threat. To stop the spread of cybercrime, government has made several laws. Apart from these laws, it is important to educate people about the possible cyber threats so that they gain knowledge and protect themselves from such crime.


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