Essay Writing on Co-Education in English | English Essays for Students

Essay Writing on Co-Education in English | English Essays for Students




Co-education refers to a type of educational set up where boys and girls study together at the same institution and in the same class. The practice has been different in different countries and at different times. Earlier, co-education was not encouraged at all. So most of the schools were either solely girls or purely boys school. But nowadays with the spread of awareness among parents, co-education has become a trend.


There are a plenty of advantages of co-education system. It promotes the spirit of equality, cooperation and understanding among the students regardless of their gender. They learn to respect each other and interact with the opposite sex without any feeling of superiority. It allows boys and girls to compete with each other and learn from each other through exchange of opinions on different subjects. It definitely creates a friendly environment for both the sexes.


Another great advantage is that it is economical. It can work well with limited teaching staff and infrastructure. There is no need to build separate schools for boys and girls as they are taught in the same school. This saved money can be utilized further to upgrade our educational system.


However, some arguments are also raised against co-education. As per critics, both boys and girls may be distracted and loose their concentration and focus easily in this education system. It may also increase unethical activities, unwanted arguments and issues that divert students from studies. it also reduces the option for more schools and colleges to be opened up for both the gender.


Co-education has made considerable progress worldwide. The arguments against such a system are not very convincing and do not hold much ground in modern times. On the whole, co-education is an excellent system and must for any progressive society.

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