Essay Writing on Truth & Non Violence(Ahimsa) Gandhi’s Thought His guiding Principles in English

Essay Writing on Truth & Non Violence(Ahimsa) Gandhi's Thought His guiding Principles in English

Truth and nonviolence are two fundamental principles that have left an indelible mark on human history. Truth, in its essence, means being honest in thoughts, words, and actions. Mahatma Gandhi, a towering figure in India's struggle for independence, believed in the transformative power of truth and nonviolence, or "Ahimsa" in Sanskrit.


Mahatma Gandhi regarded Truth and Nonviolence not merely as principles, but as a way of life—a moral compass that steered his every action. He believed in complete honesty, always speaking the truth and never deceiving others. Even in difficult situations, Gandhi remained steadfast in his commitment to truth, earning him the nickname "Mahatma," meaning great soul.


According to Gandhi, truth is vital for a fair and peaceful society. It can expose lies and show the right way. Gandhi said, "Truth is God," showing how important honesty is in all parts of life. He thought that if people embrace truth, they can find inner calmness and create a world free from deceit and hypocrisy.


Nonviolence, or Ahimsa, was another fundamental pillar of Gandhi's philosophy. Gandhi believed in not causing harm to any living being, both physically and mentally. Gandhi saw nonviolence not as a sign of weakness, but as the ultimate expression of courage and moral strength. He once said, "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."


Gandhi practiced nonviolence in all aspects of his life. Instead of resorting to physical force, Gandhi advocated for peaceful resistance, known as Satyagraha. This involved civil disobedience and non-cooperation with oppressive authorities. He led numerous nonviolent protests, including the famous Salt March, which played a pivotal role in India's fight for independence.


In Gandhi's eyes, truth and nonviolence were inseparable. Truth guides the way, while nonviolence provides the means to uphold that truth. These ideas were the foundation of his life's work. These ideals formed the basis of his life's work, sparking a legacy that inspires others.

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