Letter to Editor about insanitary conditions or unhygienic condition in your area/Locality/Poor Sanitary condition

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about insanitary conditions or unhygienic condition in your Locality OR Poor Sanitary condition of Your area

¾ Shiv Nagar
New Delhi

June 22, 2024

The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Insanitary conditions of the locality

Respected Sir,

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the insanitary conditions prevailing in our locality.

The sweepers do not obey their duties properly. Garbage collection is very poor. Heaps of rubbish and dirt can be seen on the streets. The drains are broken at many places. They are clogged due to rubbish in them. The drains have become breeding place for flies and mosquitoes. The streets are full of pits and have become dirty. These conditions pose a serious threat to the health of the residents of our locality. We have written many complaint letters to the sanitary inspector but no action has been taken so far.

I, therefore, request you to kindly publish this article in your esteemed newspaper so that the concerned authorities look into the seriousness of this matter and take appropriate action.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
(your name)

Letter to Editor

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