Write a letter to the principal of your college to grant concession of fees | Application for Full Fee Concession In College

Letter to the principal of your college For Fee Concession : Format & Sample Letters

Format of The Letter

Write your full address.
Date: Write the date.
Write "The Principal"
Write the college name and address.

Write "Subject: Request for Fee Concession"

Start with "Respected Sir/Madam,"

State your name and class.

Explain your financial situation and why you are unable to pay your fee.

6. Request
Politely ask for a fee concession.

7. Closing
Thank the principal.
Write "Yours faithfully," then your name and class.


1. Write a letter to the principal of your college to grant concession of fees.

12B, XYZ Colony
New Delhi – 110001
October 16, 2024

The Principal
ABC College
New Delhi – 110002

Subject: Request for Fee Concession

I am writing to you with a request for some concession of fees in the college. My father recently lost his job and our financial situation is very poor at present. I am presently incapable of paying the full fees for this year.

I have been a serious and diligent student throughout my academic journey and have always maintained good marks. I shall continue to work hard in my further studies. I request you to consider my plea and grant me fee concession so that I can study without burdening my family.

I will be grateful for your support.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
B.A. 1st Year

2.Write an Application to the principal of your college to grant concession of fees. 

5, Green Park
Mumbai – 400001
October 16, 2024

The Principal
XYZ College
Mumbai – 400002

Subject: Request to grant concession of fees

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am currently a student of B.Sc. 2nd Year in your esteemed college. I am writing this letter to humbly request you grant me concession in my college fees. My family is actually undergoing a financial crisis as my father lost his job due to company layoff of the recent past. We find it very hard to meet the basic our daily expenses. Paying my full college fees has become very difficult.

I am a regular and punctual student with a decent academic record. I have completed my first year in B.Sc. successfully. I got good marks in all the subjects of semester. So kindly consider my request for fee concession.

Your kind concern and understanding on this will go a long way in helping me and my family. I will be very grateful if you could kindly consider my request.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
B.Sc. 2nd Year

3. Application/Request Letter for Full Fee Concession In College : Sample Letter 3


House No. 12, Gandhi Nagar
Jaipur – 302001
October 16, 2024

The Principal
XYZ College
Jaipur – 302003

Subject: Request for Fee Concession

Respected Sir/Madam

With due respect, I humbly request your kind consideration for a fee concession. I am a student of B.Sc. 1st Year in your esteemed college. Recently, my father's small business suffered a serious loss. This resulted in a significant reduction in our family's income. It has become very hard for us to manage daily expenses. Paying full college fees has become particularly very difficult for us.

I am a serious student and have been scoring well in my studies. I actively take part in the college programs and have maintained good attendance. I wish to continue my education without any gaps, but this financial problem is going against my wish. A fee concession will enable me to continue my focus on studies without burdening my family much.

I will be very thankful for your kind support in this difficult time. Therefore, I humbly request you to grant me a fee concession.

Thank you for considering my humble request.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
B.Sc. 1st Year


1.How do you write a letter to the principal of your college for fees concession?

Answer : To write a letter for a fee concession, start with your address at the top, followed by the date. Then, write "The Principal," followed by the college name and address. Begin with "Respected Sir/Madam," and introduce yourself by stating your name and class. Explain your financial situation and politely request the concession. End with "Yours faithfully," and add your name.

2. What is a letter of concession?

Answer : A concession letter is a request put in writing to lower fees or payments. It explains why someone needs financial help, like personal problems or hardships. It is directed to the principal or authority in a school or college.

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