Write Easy 10 Lines Essay on Coronavirus (Covid-19) in English | Short Essay Writing for students

10 Lines Essay on Coronavirus



1. Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, is the most dangerous and deadly virus of the 21st century.

2. The first signs of the virus were seen in Wuhan city.

3. It has caused illness and death of millions of people around the world.

4. The World Health Organization(WHO) declared it as a global pandemic.

5. Many countries have imposed lockdowns to stop the spread of the virus.

6. Fever, trouble breathing and coughing are some common symptoms of Covid-19.

7. Wearing masks and keeping a distance of at least six feet has been advised.

8. Regularly washing our hands with soap or sanitizer is crucial in preventing the spread of the virus.

9. Our scientists have made a significant contribution by developing vaccines.

10. The coronavirus has proven to be deadly virus for the entire human race.




1. Novel Coronavirus or Covid-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

2. It originated in China's Wuhan and quickly spread internationally.

3. It has caused millions of infections worldwide.

4. World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 outbreak as pandemic on March 11, 2020.

5. The Key symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, fatigue, shortness of breath and dry cough.

6. The virus is spread through respiratory droplets produced by an infected person through coughing or sneezing or by touching the surfaces with virus on them.

7. To contain the spread of virus, governments around the world have resorted to lockdowns and are implementing several social distancing measures.

8. To fight Coronavirus, it is important to ensure physical distancing, wearing mask, frequent handwashing and maintaining a good hygiene.

9. A global effort is underway to mass produce and distribute vaccine to counter this disease.

10. With the help of global efforts, we can bring an end to this pandemic.

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