Write Easy 10 Lines Essay on Online Classes in English | Short Essay Writing for students

10 Lines on Online Classes



1. Online classes are a type of education that uses internet.

2. Online classes became a solution when the Covid-19 pandemic affected our education system.

3. Students can attend these classes on computer, laptop or device with internet access.

4. These classes allow students to learn from the comfort of their homes.

5. Students can interact with their classmates and teachers during these classes.

6. Students can ask questions and participate in class using chat or video.

7. Assignments can be completed and submitted online.

8. Online classes remove the need to travel to schools, saving time.

9. Teachers can use presentation and other teaching methods in online class.

10. It is important to ensure participation of students lacking internet connectivity





1. Online classes are rapidly growing trend today.

2. Due to lockdowns, more schools have offered this option of learning.

3. Online classes through different apps such as Skype, Zoom, YouTube, Googleblog, etc. are really helpful for students.

4. Students can study at home with the help of these classes.

5. They can get study material online.

6. Students need not to travel to attend the classes.

7. Teachers are trying their best to clear doubts of students.

8. During the lockdown period, online study is a safe alternative to school education.

9. These classes are helping students to stay motivated and disciplined.

10. So online classes are really helpful for teachers and students around the world.

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