Essay on Deforestation in 100, 150, 200 Words in English For Students | English Essays

Essay on Deforestation in 100 words in English For Students

Deforestation refers to the large-scale removal of trees from forested areas. It is an important issue in various regions of world . Trees are cut for farming, building, and using wood for goods. People also cut trees for constructing roads and factories. Deforestation causes many problems. Soil becomes weak, leading to floods and landslides. It also makes the air dirty because trees give oxygen. Animals lose their homes when forests are gone.People should avoid cutting trees. We should plant more trees and protect our forests. Deforestation harms the environment. It is important to save trees for a better future.


Essay on Deforestation in 150 words in  English For Students


Deforestation refers to the systematic clearing of forest cover. It has become one of the most important environmental issue across the world.

Causes of Deforestation

Forest clearance is being done for various purposes such as for agricultural expansion, construction of structures, and timber-based products. Infrastructure in the form of roads, factories, and towns also contributes to the destruction of forests.

Effects of Deforestation 

Clearing of forests has very adverse effects. Tree removal weakens soils leading to erosion, floods, and landslides. Trees purify the atmosphere through a process of oxygen production. Without them, air quality becomes relatively poor, affecting public health. Moreover, animals get deprived of their natural habitats, and in the long run, experience displacement. Global warming is further accelerated as trees play a key role in regulating the Earth's temperature by absorbing carbon dioxide.

Steps to Control Deforestation 

The government has worked to conserve forests and start tree planting programs. Planning land use is important to prioritize conservation of forests. Every individual should also avoid cutting down trees and help by planting more.


As long as humans exist, preserving forests is extremely important for a healthy environment and ecosystem.


Essay on Deforestation in 200 words in English For Students


Deforestation is the extensive clearing of forested land, resulting in environmental degradation. Deforestation is a global problem affecting all countries.

Reasons of Deforestation 

There are various reasons why people cut down trees. Forests are cut down for farming purposes, setting up houses, and for wood, furniture, and other building materials. New roads, factories, and cities require space, and so trees are cut on a large scale to meet the need of growing population

Consequences of Deforestation 

Deforestation has several adverse effects. Trees hold the soil in place so when they are removed the soil becomes weak. This leads to floods and landslides during the rain seasons. Trees also provide oxygen, which is essential in purifying air. Once the forests are cut down, then air becomes unpure and promotes health issues. It results in biodiversity loss by eliminating habitats, which leads to the extinction of many plants and animals. Another effect that is more massive is global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide that keeps the Earth cool. With the trees gone, the planet warms, causing climate changes.

Steps to Prevent Deforestation

To prevent deforestation, we can adopt sustainable forestry practices and promote reforestation. This involves growing new ones and conserving forest lands. Illegal logging needs to be curbed. Education and awareness campaigns need to be done. People must to contribute by growing forests and avoiding their cutting.


Deforestation damages nature, animals, and man. If we really want to conserve our environment and protect our planet, we should definitely try to save and grow more trees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Essay on Deforestation

1. What is deforestation?

Answer : Deforestation refers to the process of removing trees from forests through cutting or felling. The causes can be farming, logging, or constructing roads. When forests are destroyed, this usually affects the animals living there and the environment.

2. What are the primary causes of deforestation?

Answer : Some of the causes of deforestation include agriculture, wherein land is required for crops or livestock, logging for wood, development for roads or buildings, and other building constructions that take place. Additionally, forest fires cause trees to die.

3. What are the effects of deforestation?

Answer :This not only causes a fatal effect like losing habitats for both plants and animals but can also result in climatic change through increased carbon dioxide in the air. Soil erosion and fertile lands loss are some of the very common problems brought forth by this act.

4. How to stop deforestation?

Answer : To prevent this issue, we can encourage tree planting and sustainable logging. Laws which protect the forests can be supported and eco-friendly products can be used to help prevent deforestation. Education of people on the importance of forests is the primary move that would bring change in society.

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