Essay on Freebie Politics in India | Freebies in India Good or Bad Essay Writing in English

Essay on Freebie Politics in India | Freebies in India Good or Bad Essay Writing in English

Essay on Freebie Politics in India




Freebie politics in India has become a common practice where political parties offer free goods and services to gain votes during elections. These freebies can range from free gadgets and appliances to loan waivers and subsidized services. Though these offerings may appear enticing to voters, they give rise to serious concerns regarding country's governance and long term economic stability.



Arguments in favour of freebie politics

Advocates of the freebie politics argue that providing free goods and services can directly address the immediate needs of the underprivileged sections of the society. Such free services can alleviate poverty and reduce financial burden on the poor.


In the last three decades, India has witnessed a surge in inequality, with nearly half of the population living with inefficient resources. Subsidies and welfare programs like the Public Distribution System, employment guarantee, free education and increased healthcare funding have become essential for the well-being of the people.


Initiatives such as providing sewing machines, saries and cycles in states like Tamil Nadu and Bihar have not only benefited recipients but also boosted relevant industries. In less developed states, such subsidies are essential to uplift the impoverished masses, promoting their overall progress and welfare. Thus, freebies can stimulate consumer spending, boost demand for goods and services, leading to economic growth.


Arguments against freebies

Offering freebies impacts the public exchequer and weakens the financial health for overall development of the state. Spending excessively on subsidies for political gains disrupts the country's economic stability and fiscal discipline. Furthermore, freebie politics can make election unfair because it is similar to giving bribes to the voters. Freebies can be used to manipulate voters without addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality.


Critics of freebies argue that freebies create a culture of dependency on the government, discouraging self-reliance and individual responsibility. Offering loan waivers as freebies may encourage people not to repay loans willingly. Freebies may divert resources from other critical sectors, hindering long term development.


The Way Forward

In conclusion, while freebies may be necessary to uplift the disadvantaged sections of the society, their indiscriminate use can have negative impacts. Freebies can prove beneficial in certain cases, such as Public Distribution System, free education and healthcare. However, it is essential to recognize that some freebies have negative consequences that can harm the country's economy, quality of life and social harmony in the long run. Target benefits for the needy, without burdening the government's finances, are essential for the country's long term well-being.

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