Essay Writing on Plastic Pollution in English | English Essays for Students

Essay Writing on Plastic Pollution in English | English Essays for Students




Plastic pollution has becoming increasingly common everywhere. Plastics are widely used in different applications ranging from water bottles, food packaging, electronic good, construction materials, etc.. It has become an integral part of our daily lives. The accumulation of synthetic plastic products in huge amount in the earth's environment is called plastic pollution. It has become one of the most pressing environmental issues.


We discard thousands of tons of plastic every year. Only a small amount of it gets recycled. The vast majority of it does not biodegrade. The unmanaged plastic waste has become a serious issue. Plastic and the harmful chemical it emits are building up on land, and in oceans, lakes, rivers and air. It adversly affects wildlife, humans, and marine ecosystem.


The disposal of plastic waste in open space creates unhygienic conditions. On burning, they cause ambient air pollution. Plastic waste acts as a breeding ground for various disease carrying insects that cause diseases like malaria and dengue. Plastic products pollute land as well. They stay in the soil for many years which ruins the fertility of the soil. Plastic items choke our drainage system and cause waterlogging. Animals eat plastic or mistake it for food. It can cause stomach and intestine related diseases.


Water bodies have become dangerously polluted with plastic products. Lots of plastic gets accumulated in oceans. Many aquatic animals eat them, which leads to suffocation and death.


Plastic pollution is becoming more of a global concern. We must take major steps to prevent it. Everyone should stop using plastic bags. We must use alternatives like paper and jute bags. We must reuse and recycle plastic products. We should educate other people about plastic pollution and its harmful effects. Government must take some initiatives to minimize the use of plastic. All this can be helpful in reducing plastic pollution to a great extent.

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