Essay Writing on Population Problem/Overpopulation | Population Explosion India | English Essays

Essay Writing on Population Problem/Overpopulation | Population Explosion India | English Essays



India is a big country facing numerous problems. Increasing population rate is the most important one. We can call it 'population explosion'. India occupies only 2.4 percent of world's geographical area but population of the country is 17 percent of the total global population. India is the second most populous country in the world after China.


Causes of Population Growth
The main reasons of population growth in India are unemployment, illiteracy, early marriage, poverty and ignorance about family planning. People believe that the children are the gifts of the God and they prefer a male child. In addition, lower status of women, control over diseases with progress in medical science and high birth rates are other contributory factors.


Effects of Overpopulation
The population explosion puts enormous burden on country's natural resources. It causes food shortage, unemployment, poverty, pollution, low standard of living, decreased forest cover, housing problem, increased crimes and other social and economic problems.


Steps needed to check population growth
The most important task before the nation is to check the growth of population. Steps such as removing illiteracy, encouraging late marriages, educating the people about advantages of family planning and birth control measures, improving social security and incentivizing the people to adopt small family norms are needed.


The population explosion is a series threat to our national development. With the help of government steps and citizen's consent and cooperation, population explosion can be checked.

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