Essay Writing on Save Water Save Life in English | English Essays for Students

Essay Writing on Save Water Save Life in English | English Essays for Students



Water is a gift of God on earth. There is no life without water. All living beings like humans, animals, plants, etc. need water for their survival. About 71% of earth's surface is covered with water. But only 3% of available water is clean water. Therefore, it is very much necessary to save water for future.


Apart from drinking, water is used for multiple purposes. It is used in agriculture for irrigation of crops. It is required for cooking, cleaning, bathing and for other domestic works. It is also used for industrial and manufacturing purposes. It protects our ecosystem and wildlife. This tells us that water is the most essential component of life.


Many regions of the world are facing shortage of water. Population growth leads excessive consumption of water. The waste products from industries are polluting our rivers. Pesticides and fertilizers used in crops also pollute fresh water. In some areas, groundwater has been overused.


To save water, we should promote rainwater harvesting and other water saving techniques. There should be reusing and recycling of water. We should refrain from misusing or overusing our water resources. Groundwater conservation is important. To save water pollution, industrial waste should be treated properly before dumping into rivers. People should be made aware of importance of water and stop wasting it.


It is hard to imagine our lives without water. Hence, it is important to save and preserve water resources for our future generations.

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