Essay on Superstition in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words in English For Students

Essay Writing on Superstition in 100 Words

Superstition is a blind faith in something that lacks scientific evidence. Many people follow superstitions without questioning them. In India, people believe in bad luck when a black cat crosses their path or when someone sneezes before leaving the house. These are based on ancient traditions and myths. Superstitions often create fear and stop people from thinking logically. Education can help remove these blind beliefs. Science teaches us to ask questions and find real reasons for events. People should believe in hard work and knowledge instead of luck or fear. To build a better society, we must encourage reasoning and stop following superstitions blindly.


Essay Writing on Superstition in 150 Words

Superstition is to believe in things without evidence. People in India continue to believe in superstitions like breaking a mirror causing bad luck, or tying lemon and chilies to ward off evil spirits. These have originated from old traditions and practices. Some are harmless, while others generate fear and hinder development.

Superstitions tend to spread due to ignorance and illiteracy. Most people do not question what they are told by their elders. We should believe in science and logic rather than luck. Schools must educate children about the need for logic and critical thinking.

We must eliminate harmful superstitions from our society. Humans should not spend time and money on meaningless rituals. People can be educated by awareness campaigns. A progressive society is founded on knowledge, not fear.

Essay on Superstition in 200 Words

Superstition is an irrational faith in phenomena that have no scientific cause. In India, numerous individuals continue to have faith in superstitions like not cutting nails in the night, not sweeping the house in the evening, or thinking that an owl's hoot is an ill omen. These superstitions have been carried forward through generations.

Causes For Superstitions

Some superstitions are based on previous experiences. For instance, people did not cut nails during the night because there was no electric light in ancient times, and they were afraid of injuries. However, many such superstitions are unfounded in today's modern era and only inspire fear.


Impact of Superstitions

Superstitions affect society in negative ways. Some people are afraid to make decisions because of these beliefs. Others waste time and money on unnecessary rituals. Lack of education is the main reason why superstitions still exist. People need to question these beliefs and understand the logic behind events.

Education and awareness can help remove blind beliefs. Schools and media should promote scientific thinking. A society that follows logic and reasoning will always progress, while one stuck in superstitions will remain backward.


Essay on Superstition in 250 Words


Superstition refers to the belief in luck, omens, and supernatural forces without scientific evidence. Superstition is found in most countries, but it is highly developed in Indian culture. It is believed that one will experience bad luck if a black cat is seen on their path, or avoid stepping out during an eclipse. It is also believed by some that wearing a gemstone can alter their destiny.

Reasons Behind Superstitions

Superstitions are primarily conceived by fear and ignorance. In the past, humans were unable to understand natural occurrences such as eclipses, earthquakes, or illnesses, and hence they developed myths surrounding them. These myths eventually evolved into superstitions. Some of them were based on logic at that time, but today, they have no scientific basis.


Harmful Effects of Superstitions

Superstitions have many harmful effects. They create unnecessary fear and limit personal freedom. Certain individuals even undertake hazardous rituals in the guise of superstition. This is particularly injurious when individuals decline medical intervention, opting instead for faith healers and magic.


How to Stop Superstition

The most effective method of eliminating superstition is education. Children should be taught in schools about scientific thinking and rationality. Media and social workers should also raise awareness. Individuals should realize that success is the result of hard work and education, not luck or rituals.



A superstition-free society will develop at a faster rate and build a better future.




Essay on Superstition in 300 Words


Superstition is the belief in supernatural powers and fortune, without any scientific evidence. In India, superstitions have a strong relation with traditions and customs. Black cat crossing in front of people is believed by many to be bad luck. Others believe that seven years of bad luck will come if they break a mirror. Some wear lucky charms or do rituals to prevent bad luck.


Superstitions are from the ancient world when humans did not have scientific knowledge. They were unable to explain natural phenomena such as eclipses, illnesses, or lightning, so they developed myths to comprehend them. For instance, previously, people were told not to sweep during the night because there were no lights, and they could lose precious things in the dark. Nowadays, electricity is present, and the superstition is no longer applicable.


The effect of superstition is primarily negative. It prevents individuals from thinking rationally and generates avoidable fear. Certain superstitions also result in dangerous practices, such as the sacrifice of animals to appease gods or staying away from medicine in favor of faith healing. In certain villages, individuals continue to believe in witchcraft, which results in attacks on innocent women.


Method to Eliminate Superstitions From a Society

The most effective method to combat superstition is through education. Schools must educate children to question and seek rational answers. Parents must also instill curiosity in their children. The government and media must conduct awareness campaigns to enlighten people. Scientists and rationalists must actively dispel myths and encourage rational thinking.


A society that is progressive is founded on knowledge and reason, not blind faith and fear. If we wish to make India progress, we need to step away from unfounded superstitions and go for science and education. Then we can create a future in which the people are liberated from unnecessary fears and live with courage and knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) on Essay on Superstitions

What is superstition?

Superstition is a belief in luck, omens, or supernatural powers without proof. People think some things bring good or bad luck, like black cats or broken mirrors. These beliefs come from old traditions and myths.

Why do people believe in superstitions?

People believe in superstitions because of fear, tradition, and lack of knowledge. Many follow them because their elders did. Some think superstitions protect them from bad luck, even when there is no real proof.

How does superstition affect society?

Superstition creates fear and stops logical thinking. It makes people waste time and money on unnecessary rituals. Some superstitions even lead to harmful practices, like avoiding medical treatment or believing in magic.

What are some common superstitions in India?

Common Indian superstitions include black cats bringing bad luck, hanging lemon and chilies to avoid evil, not cutting nails at night, and not stepping out during an eclipse. These beliefs have no scientific proof.

How can we remove superstition from society?

Education is the best way to remove superstition. Schools should teach children to think logically. Media and awareness campaigns can help people understand the truth. Asking questions and believing in science can also help.

Is superstition harmful?

Yes, superstition is harmful. It stops people from using logic and science. Some superstitions lead to fear, financial loss, or even violence. Believing in hard work and knowledge is better than trusting blind beliefs.


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