Write a letter to Municipal Corporation regarding garbage problem in your area

Write a letter to Municipal Corporation regarding garbage problem in your area.

¾ Shiv Nagar
New Delhi

April 21, 2021

The Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation
Delhi – 110 006

Respected Sir,

Subject: Complaint letter about garbage problem

On behalf of the residents of Shiv Nagar, I would like to draw your kind attention towards the prevailing unsanitary and unhygienic conditions of our locality due to heaps of garbage lying on the streets.

The sweepers come but they do not obey their duties properly. They keep on piling the garbage day by day without removing it. Moreover the rubbish collection van does not come regularly. Heaps of rubbish and dirt can be seen on our streets. It has created a terrible smell and has made the life of residents miserable. Besides, mosquitoes, flies and other disease carriers breed in these garbage dumps and pose a serious health hazard.

I, therefore, request you to look into the matter. Garbage should be collected daily or atleast on alternate days so as to prevent the accumulation of waste.

Kindly do the needful at the earliest.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely
(Your name)


Write a Letter to Municipal Corporation complaining about stray dogs menace.

7/13 Shakti Nagar
New Delhi

April 21, 2021

The Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation
Delhi – 110 006

Respected Sir,

Subject: Problem of stray dogs

On behalf of the residents of Shakti Nagar, I would like to draw your kind attention towards the stray dogs menace in our area.

People of our area are facing huge problem of orphan dogs roaming around the main road and our streets. For the last three months the number of stray dogs have increased manifold. These fierce dogs pose series threats to the safety of residents, especially to the small school going children. A few children have already been bitten by these dogs. These dogs are in numbers and they have started attacking the passerby. Many accidents are happening due to these dogs especially during night hours. People are facing sleepless nights due to the continuous barking of these dogs. It is extremely important to get rid of them as soon as possible.

In the circumstances, I appeal to you to look into the matter and kindly relieve us of dogs by getting them rehabilitated to homes for stray animals. We shall be highly grateful.

Looking forward to your quick and positive response.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely
(Your name)

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