Essay on My Aim or Ambition in Life to become Teacher in 150 words |Essay writing in English

Essay on My Aim or Ambition in Life to become Teacher in 150 words |


Everybody should have an aim or ambition in life. Aim gives us a direction and motivation to set our goals and work hard to achieve these goals. Different people have different aims. My aim in life is to become a teacher. This has been my childhood dream.

Teaching is the noblest form of profession. A teacher can serve his
society and country in the best possible way. Teacher gain and impart knowledge. Students are the future of the nation. Teachers educate and guide their students for a successful life. Teachers can help them in fulfilling their dreams. They can help them to become good citizens. So we can say that a teacher is a nation builder.

The inspiration to become a teacher comes from my experiences with teachers and role and guidance played by them in my life. By becoming a teacher, I want to instill good values, discipline, inspiration, motivation and confidence in the students. I want to become a guide, philosopher and a real friend of the students.

I would like to work hard for the weaker sections of the society as well. I will try my best to make my students good citizens. I will help them in broadening their outlook and removing all superstitions. I will give full respect to my job and be loyal to my duty.

Thus, every person must have a definite aim. It gives life a purpose and a meaning. Teaching is a very inspiring and refreshing career. I devote all my best efforts to be a teacher and I wish this dream of mine would be fulfilled one day.

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